3 Tips for Debugging GitHub Actions

I spend most of my time developing on the front ends that host on cloud environments. Most of these projects do not require me to ever inspect servers things as they just kind of work, which is nice. From my understanding, tmate is a tool that provides instant terminal sharing. You're able to activate a secure shell or SSH to explore and run commands. I perform a lot of my debugging with action-tmate to access the hosted runner environments. This video covers this and more ways for debugging your GitHub Actions. https://dev.to/github/debug-your-github-actions-via-ssh-by-using-tmate-1hd6 https://dev.to/github/run-your-github-actions-locally-5gfl 0:00 Start 0:44 - Debugging with tmate 1:35 - Keep a test repo or branch ready for debugging 2:26 - Re-run actions manually 5:00 - Debugging locally with nektos/act 5:41 - Debug with a Dockerfile https://github.com/bdougie/take-action Learn more about bdougie Join my live coding stream every Tuesday and Fridays on Twitch Twitch 🎬 https://twitch.tv/bdougieYO​ GitHub 💻. https://github.com/bdougie/gitActionTraction Community 👾 https://discord.com/invite/gZMKK5q​ Twitter 🐦 https://twitter.com/bdougieYO #github #githubactions

Published: Feb 16, 2021

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